
This one’s for the birds…or not

The previous owners of our home were clearly bird-lovers.  They left birdfeeders and birdhouses hanging from trees all around the property.  They also left a birdbath which was falling apart.  The basin had fallen off of the base and was lying in the grass cracked.  I don’t have a before picture but it looked something like this


Only, mine looked less quaint and more trashy.  One day I was looking out the window and that broken birdbath caught my eye.  (Yes, it was still laying in the yard months later…ok, more than a year later.  I have no defense for this.)  As I looked at what was left of it, I suddenly saw the perfect base for a small pedestal table.

I brought in the base which had a great curvy shape and knew I was on to something.  I picked up a round wood top at Lowes and attached it to the base with wood glue, making sure to center everything.  I kept the top small because the base is pretty lightweight and I did not want the table to be unstable.  Then I painted the whole thing a bright spring green.  A perfect little side table, plant stand, nightstand…it can fit pretty much anywhere.

Plus I love the fact it was made from something that was essentially trash.  There is nothing better than turning something broken and rejected into something beautiful and useful.

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  1. Gorgeous! I love your choice of colors and you obviously have an eye for seeing beauty in the unexpected. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You are so funny! I can relate to random things lying about for EVER before I get around to doing something about it. But oh my goodness! That birdbath made the most adorable table, didn’t it! Stroke of genius. And the spring green is just perfection! Love it :)

  3. Hey Carrie! What kind of paint did you use to paint this? We have a birdbath outside that I don’t want out in the yard anymore (it is reminiscent of your “before” photo) and I’m thinking about trying out your idea.

    1. Hey Charlotte, I used primer and then regular latex paint. I like Zinsser oil based primer for things like this because it sticks to any type of surface and any paint sticks to it.

    1. Thank you Florence! Yes, it was some sort of hollow resin or plaster. I have seen a concrete birdbath with a glass top used as a table before but I’m betting it was very heavy!

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