A sweet blue bed

Sometimes all you need for an amazing transformation is a few cans of spray paint.  (Aren’t those times the best!)


spray painted bed

Last year, I found an old brass bed for sale at a yard sale.  The poor thing had been terribly mistreated.  It was a strange off white color with green sponge paint and it had fake ivy wrapped all around it.  Not pretty in the least – but it was ten bucks and I knew it could easily become something beautiful. 

I don’t have a great before picture of its hideousness but you can see it in this photo from a yard sale I had last summer.  Apparently nobody could see past the ugly because nobody bought it.  (At this point I had already taken off the ivy).

headboard before

It had been sitting in my basement patiently awaiting its makeover for several months when I realized the basement was way too full of projects to ever complete them all. Unfortunately, nobody wanted to buy it at my huge basement clearing yard sale.   But when one of my best friends, Hannah, came to visit this summer, she mentioned she was looking for a metal headboard for her guest bedroom.  Perfect!  Before she headed home to Tennessee with the bed, we gave  it a few quick coats of spray primer followed by spray paint – Krylon Catalina Mist.

This weekend I visited Hannah and got to see the bed in action.  Doesn’t it look gorgeous?

blue painted metal bed

I love repurposing and coming up with amazing new ideas, but some of the best transformations come from a simple can of spray paint.

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  1. I love the color you chose to spray paint this. I should probably have a huge basement clearance sale too. It’s getting a little ridiculous around here :)

  2. ugh fake ivy is the worst! my mom stenciled fake ivy in our bathroom when I was little…
    but this is so cute! i think all metal framed beds should be a happy color. great job Carrie! :)

  3. I’m glad I found your blog! I have a 1970’s era brass bed…still brass but it really needs a coat of paint. I had been trying to decide between white or black….but now I’m thinking a blue would be beautiful! Thanks for sharing the photos.

  4. Do you know what shade/brand you used? This color is just what I am hoping to paint my daughter’s bed! Love it!

    1. Thanks! I believe the color was Catalina Mist from Valspar but I am not 100% certain about that. I do know we bought it at Lowes though if that helps.

  5. Hi there, love the bed! I just picked up a brass frame from a Facebook sale. I’m wondering if you have shared more of the revamp process on your blog?

    1. Jennifer, I didn’t give a lot of details on this one for some reason! It is a really easy makeover though. I used some old sheets as dropcloth and laid the headboard and footboard on their sides. I used spray primer first (I just used BINZ) – one coat and then flip the headboard and footboard over to do the other side. The great thing about spraying a bed like this is it is really fast to get around all the little spindles and bits. Once the primer was dried, I followed up with a couple of coats of Krylon blue ocean breeze spray paint. And then finished it off with a couple of coats of spray on Polycrylic. It has been a few years since I painted it and so far, so good!

    1. The paint wasn’t chipped but it did have a weird gritty texture, so I did lightly sand it first just to get it smooth. Then spray primer and paint.

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