A Sweet Personalized Gift: ABC Photo Book

This personalized ABC photo book is the perfect gift for small children.

I am pretty thrilled with the gift I have to share with you today.  Little Griffin’s first birthday is quickly approaching and I have been looking forward to making this gift for months.

For his birthday this year, Griffin is getting his own personalized ABC photo book. 

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He loves books – which makes this book-loving mama’s heart happy – and I love making photo books. So this present is an extra joy for both the giving and the getting. 

I created this little photo book using Shutterfly. I’ve made quite a few photo books with Shutterfly over the years and I love that there are lots of layouts and designs to choose from and they have great sales pretty regularly.

Update – I’ve now made these cute little ABC photo books for all three of my boys’ first birthdays and it was a hit every time! I’m updating this post with photos from each of the book along with tips I’ve learned along the way.

How to make an ABC Photo Book

The Cover

I decided classic ABC blocks would make the perfect cover for an ABC book. Luckily, we had plenty of vintage ABC blocks on hand.

I piled them up with the letters A, B, and C front and center and took a photo to use as the cover of my book.

cover of abc photo book - a photo of alphabet blocks.

And because I realize not everyone has the perfect ABC blocks on hand, I’m happy to share my photo if you want to use it for your own book. You can download my ABC block photo right here.

Planning the book

For the inside of the book, I wanted to use one letter of the alphabet on each page with an accompanying photo of something that begins with that letter. Just like a regular abc book.

abc photo book with q for quick and r for rocks.

I started by looking through all of my photos and copying the ones I thought I might want to use in a separate folder on my computer. I changed the title of each photo to the alphabet word it would go with.

I found it easiest to start by looking for photos, but you could also start by making a list of alphabet words and then looking for photos to match.

Sometimes I used a photo that was literally of the word like pacifier or brother. Sometimes I used an adjective like quick for a photo of the baby crawling away or noisy for a photo of a crying baby. And sometimes I used a family member’s photo with their first name as the word.

abc photo book spread with y for yawn and zzzzz.

Once I had looked through my photos, there were still several letters that needed a photo. Certain letters like K and Q and X are just tough because there aren’t a whole lot of nouns that start with those letters.

For the letters that were blank, I brainstormed a list of possible words and then went through my photos again looking for possible photos that could match.

I had to get a bit creative with some letters, particularly x, but in the end I found a picture that would work for every letter.

Ideas for Each Letter

I know thinking of ideas for each letter can be tough, so I thought I would share a list of some of the ideas I used. This is nowhere close to an exhaustive list but hopefully it will help if you get stuck on a letter.

abc photo book with u for upside down and v for vest.
  • A – alligator, animals
  • B – bear, beach, books, brother, blocks, birthday, balloons, blanket
  • C- Christmas, costume, cat
  • D- daddy, dinosaurs, dog
  • E- eat, Easter
  • F- feet, family, farm, frown, fast, friends
  • G- giraffe, giggles, grumpy, Grandma, Grandpa
  • H- Halloween, hiking
  • I- icky (yucky face), ice (snow), independent
  • J- joy, jumping
  • K- keys (toy keys), kids
  • L- lake, laughs
  • M-mommy, monster. mittens
  • N- nap, newborn
  • O- ocean, outside
  • P- play, playground, pumpkin patch, pet, party, pacifier
  • Q- quack (duck), quick, quilt
  • R- read, roar (toy dinos), rocks
  • S- superman (costume), sandcastle, snow, snowman, sister, Santa, swing
  • T- tongue, train, tunnel
  • U- upside down, umbrella
  • V- vest, very ____, vacation, voice (crying, yelling)
  • W- water, wagon, waterfall
  • X- xylophone, explore (I know, this isn’t technically correct but x is hard)
  • Y- yawn, yuck (messy face)
  • Z- zzzzzz (sleeping), zebra, zoo
abc photo book layout with m for mommy and n for newborn.

The Layout

I kept the layout of these ABC books super simple.

The very first one I made had a full page photo and then the letter and word at the bottom of the page in white. I liked this design but it made things more tricky. I couldn’t use any really light photos because the letters wouldn’t show up well. I also had to double check that the words didn’t cover up anything important in the photo.

two pages of abc photo book - e for eat and f for feet.

So for the next abc book I made, I used a layout with a white stripe across the bottom and dark letters. I also used a simpler font and I think this one is all-around nicer and easier to read.

abc photo book with g for grumpy and h for hiking.

All in all, I am so happy that I made these little books. To be honest I have no idea what other gifts my kids got for their first birthdays, but they still love to pull these out and look at them. (Because we all know kids love to see photos of themselves!)

In fact I love them so much, if photo books are still a thing when I have grandchildren one day, this is what I’m making for their first birthday gifts!

More great photo book ideas I think you’ll like:

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  1. I just wanted to thank you for the amazing idea! I created my own book for my great-nephew’s first birthday, and his mom and both grandmothers were thrilled. Thanks also for the list of ideas – I might never have figured some of them out. Appreciate the time and effort you put into this post!

    1. Yay! I’m so glad your book for your great-nephew turned out great! This is definitely one of my favorite gift ideas for little ones.

  2. Thank you so much for the ideas. I had previously made an ABC photo book on Shutterfly, but now the price has gone up to $281, believe it or not! I will still use Shutterfly, but not their template. Your clever ideas have inspired me to make my own. Thank you!

    1. That is absolutely insane! Yes, definitely you can make your template. The books still get pricey but with a sale, they aren’t too bad!

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