What would you do with…an empty globe stand

So as you probably know, I have a major thing for repurposing.  Major.  And I hate to see something with the potential to be awesome just sitting around, going to waste.

Last month I repurposed some vintage globes I had been collecting (i.e. hoarding) into hanging globes for my son’s nursery.


The project was the perfect touch for his nursery.  But it left me with three empty globe stands.


The first one was a really cool wood and metal stand that I turned into a paper towel holder.


The second stand was just a little cheap plastic thing so I really wasn’t worried about saving it.  But the third is a really cool metal ‘bowl’ type stand.  And I just know there has to be something really cool that can be done with it.

Now I realize there may be some of you out there who are shaking your heads at this point, thinking “What in the world is this girl talking about?”  I realize that most people would just throw an empty globe stand away.  Or if they were feeling particularly eco-friendly, donate it to a thrift store (so they can throw it away there and save you the guilt).  And perhaps a few of you are starting to picture my house filled to the brim with piles of useless junk I want to ‘save’.  But I can assure you that isn’t true.  I did used to be a bit of a hoarder, trying to SAVE ALL THE THINGS!  But I have really backed off of that.  I just don’t like to see good, high quality stuff thrown away.  Particularly when I was the one who took away it’s original purpose to begin with.

globe stand 2

Plus check out these cool details around the rim.

vintage globe stand detail 2

But what to do with it?

Since the paper towel holder was a success, I first thought about using it in the guest bathroom to store spare toilet paper rolls.  But that was a total failure – they kept falling through the cracks and rolling away.

My next thought was to turn it into some sort of flower bowl.  This one I actually tried.  Not all bad, but I’m also not sure it is quite right.

globe stand turned flower bowl 2

The shape reminds me of an industrial light fixture so I used a little photo editing magic to whip up a visual.  (Ok, it might not be quite magic, turns out I’m not that great at fake photos).

globe stand light 2

I think the light fixture could be really awesome – I’m just not sure it isn’t a bit too industrial for my taste.

I could also see it with a potted fern sitting inside.

Or I could be really current and throw an air plant in there.  Except I don’t completely understand what air plants are or how they work.  Not to mention I’m not so great at growing regular old soil and water plants.

I’m at a bit of a loss…so I’m asking you guys, what would you do?  Light fixture?  Fern? Flower bowl? Air plant?  Or do you have another great idea?  I would love to hear it!

carrie signature in blue

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  1. Hello Carrie, I agree with you, all you can re-use you have to give it a chance, and that piece I think is pretty nice to something. I love the idea of the toilet paper holder and the light fixture. What about filling the hole of the sides with some kind of net, I’m thinking o those ones used for the chicken houses, the ones with the hexagon form. You can spray paint the net in copper or maybe white. that way you can use it as holder for toilet paper, fruit as Cecilia sugested or light fixture.

    1. Alejandra, chicken wire is a great idea – and copper chicken wire is an even better one! If I don’t use it for this, I will have to keep it in mind for something else!

  2. If it is level enough, you could put a piece of round glass on top of it and create a cake stand of sorts. The glass would still allow you to see the fun detail around the top edge. Then you could use it for serving desserts, or you could put candles on it, or any number of other things!

    1. Angela, that is a fabulous idea! I hadn’t thought of anything like that. Now the wheels in my head are really turning.

  3. I wonder if it would hold a gazing ball or decorated bowling ball? I’ve done some with pennies and beads. :)

    1. That could be pretty cool. I was just thinking I could paint a bowling ball to look like a globe but then I realized that would be coming totally full circle.

  4. In our little town we have Pat Catan’s craft store that sells glass cloches that would look awesome attached to this base and wired with a pendant light containing one of those Edison bulbs!!! You would still see the ruler, which I like a lot. Something like this:


    You would have to use some really strong glass glue or drill holes in the glass and wire them together.

  5. if you found fabric or a heavy paper maybe and maybe modge podge the material you could make it look more like a shade and a little less industrial ? I like all your ideas also they look fabulous!!

  6. Hi Carrie, can you please share the dimensions on the old globe stand you are using for the paper towel holder? I love this idea. I know paper towels are ~22cm but then need to allow some room for the roll to spin.

    1. Emma, My globe stand is 12 inches tall from the top rim to the bottom rim (top to bottom of part where paper towels go). And it is six inches from the center pole to the outer edge of the curved part of the stand. I hope that helps. I haven’t had any problems yet with paper towels not fitting.

  7. what did you use in the middle to hold the paper towels? I have a couple of stands to repurpose and this is an excellent idea, thank you!

    1. This particular stand has a post that runs all the way through the middle. I know some do not have that – you could try cutting a dowel to size and using it to keep the paper towels in place, but I haven’t tried that.

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