
Happy Pillows

First off, thanks for all the great comments and features of my painted floors. I have loved reading all of the comments and will probably be posting a follow up in a few weeks to answer some questions several of you have had.

In other news… I didn’t make it through this week’s challenge on One Month to Win It. I really enjoyed my time in the contest – particularly the extra incentive to try to be really creative and do something different each week. On the other hand, it was hard work trying to be really creative and do something different each week. So it is nice to have a break.

But I do have one last (awesome) project to share from the competition.

This past week’s theme was banners and buntings. (Okay, so first of all, pennants, banners, buntings – do they all mean the same thing?  I never seem to know which word to use.) But when I think about banners and bunting, I think about happiness and summer. This sure isn’t summer so I decided a really cheerful project was in order. Because everyone can use an extra dose of sunshine in the dead of winter.

I decided some happy pillows were in order. My first task after sewing the basic pillow cover was to choose some nice, peppy sayings for my pillows. (I’m a sucker for typography in design.)  I was lucky enough to pick up a great set of alphabet stamps at a yard sale last summer. I mixed some craft paint with fabric medium and then painted it on the stamps and stamped the pillow covers.
I gathered some colorful fabric scraps and cut out my bunting pieces. I simply used stitch witchery to attach them to the pillow covers and then filled them with some down pillow inserts I had on hand.
happy pillows
I love the contrast between the playful bunting and the linen background. Happy pillows for sure.
Anyone else obsessed with using letters and words in decor? Do you have a favorite saying you display in your home?

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  1. These pillows are so cute…I might need to make some for our couch to brighten up the space….thanks for sharing!

  2. I thought for sure these were going to take you through to the final round! This week I thought all the projects were pretty even, so just up to what caught the voters’ eye…

  3. those are adorable! i haven’t been following the contest- sorry! i usually do but i missed it this time around. if these didn’t get you through, then wow it must be a super tough competition!!!!

  4. those are adorable! i haven’t been following the contest- sorry! i usually do but i missed it this time around. if these didn’t get you through, then wow it must be a super tough competition!!!!

  5. I thought they’d certainly make it though to the next round too! I voted for them & didn’t even know they were yours! They are beautiful!

  6. I am totally obsessed with letters. I also feel like its a nod to having a baby, it kinda just all fits in. I am obsessed with these pillows. They are so cute, I would buy both!

  7. These pillows are totally adorable – love the saying and the bunting! … I’ve just spent some time browsing around your blog. You do amazing work! I’ll be following along. I hope you stop by our Be Inspired Link Party and share some of your projects!

  8. These pillows are totally adorable – love the saying and the bunting! … I’ve just spent some time browsing around your blog. You do amazing work! I’ll be following along. I hope you stop by our Be Inspired Link Party and share some of your projects!

  9. buntings…pendants…whatever you did here on these pillows is gorgeous!!

    hmmm…. i’m gonna have to follow you now!

  10. Love the happy pillows… they will definitely bring a smile to anyone’s face… I am also obsessed with using words in decor – I collect inspirational happy quotes all the time !!

  11. Your pillows were adorable! I can’t believe I read that it was cut! (Along with Katie’s)

    Very, very sweet- and AWARD WINNING, I think.

    (Then again, I’ve been a Fan for a long time)

    Visiting from Under $100 linky party at Beyond The Picket Fence :) Thanks for sharing with us!
    ~Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois

  12. LOVE these pillows!!! So fun!! Thanks for sharing! Visiting from shabbygals.blogspot.com! We are you newest followers.

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