A gorgeous porch light solution

Here is a gorgeous porch light solution that not only looks great but is budget-friendly too!

There is no denying that spring is officially here and fast heading toward summer.  It’s high time to dust off the old screened porch and bring it back to life. 

And man, after spending the last several months slogging through an ongoing bathroom renovation and a disaster of a family room makeover, it feels really good to just spend a few hours making something look pretty. 

Plus, bonus points, not only does it look good, it actually functions way better too.

We have a huge screened porch on the back of our house with a gorgeous view of nothing but trees.  As I’ve said before, it is seriously the best room in our house.  It was due for a little help though.

The outdoor exposure had things looking a bit rough around the edges, plus there has always been one major problem out there –  no porch lights. 

Not really the best setup for enjoying summer nights outside.  (Well, semi-outside anyway).

blue and white screened porch

I hung six of these cute little candle lanterns around the perimeter of the porch a few years ago.

porch lantern

They looked great and it was a fabulous idea in theory.  But in reality, I think I’ve only lit them once. 

That’s right, one time.  Walking all around the porch opening lanterns and lighting candles is apparently more work than I am willing to do to enjoy the porch at night. 

And while I did make a pendant light to hang out here a few years ago, it never seemed like the right fit for the space, so I took it down.

Now, there’s nowhere else I would rather be than relaxing on the porch with a cool drink in the evenings.

This whole little transformation started with a trip to Big Lots.  I noticed there was a big section of all kinds of outdoor decor, even furniture and gazebos.  

There were some really cute pieces at great prices including a whole aisle of all different kinds of string lights at a great price.  

Hmmm.  I love the look of string lights strung back and forth over patios, so why not my screened porch too!

Then a huge display of lanterns caught my eye; so many fun styles to mix and match.  (Styles and assortment vary by store.)  

Even better, unlike my current neglected lanterns, these contained LED candles.  No lighters to fool with – just flip a switch on the bottom.

big lots lanterns

I loaded up my cart and a few hours later I had a secret oasis behind our house.

screened porch string lights

I used small hooks to hang the globe lights and I basically just eyeballed the spacing.  A simple indoor/outdoor extension cord finished them off.

Then I added my little collection of LED lanterns to the wicker trunk coffee table as a cute little centerpiece/light fixture.

outdoor led lanterns

While I was sprucing things up, I decided to do something about the couch cushions as well.  This wicker couch was very generously given to us by a friend a few years ago. 

It is a great piece but the pink rose upholstery isn’t really my style. I keep meaning to recover the cushions but never seem to get around to it. 

Instead, I threw a pair of blue canvas curtain panels over them to make a lazy girl’s slipcover for now.  It may not last forever, but for now, it is a huge improvement.

string lights on porch

Now it looks beautiful during the day and completely magical at night.

screened porch string lights
LED lanterns
screened porch with string lights

I cannot wait to sit out there with a good book and a cold drink!

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    1. Thanks Debi! This was such an easy project and it has made such a huge difference – I just want to sit out there every night now!

  1. Love your updates. What do you have on the floor? We have a similar enclosed porch with an indoor/outdoor rug. Want to update but don’t know what to put down instead.

    1. Hi Lynn, Our porch also had indoor/outdoor carpet when we moved in. I removed it and there was basic plywood underneath so I just painted it with porch and floor paint. I have a post about when I painted the original checkerboard floor here – https://www.lovelyetc.com/painted-checkerboard-porch-floor-how-to/
      It’s been almost 10 years since I first painted it now and it has held up well overall but is definitely due for a fresh paint job at this point.

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